Friday, September 14, 2007

Just an update on the latest studio drama: We've been burglarized! Yes, someone broke into the studio and stole about $850. This may not seem like a lot of money to most businesses, but to a yoga studio it's really a lot. (Nobody actually goes into teaching yoga to become a millionaire.)

So we've "Fort Knox-ed" the studio much to my dismay when I saw how much it was going to cost on top of what we've already lost- Bummer. All I can say is that I am a new nursing mom who hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in about 4 weeks- if I ever find out who did this they will be really sorry!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Go Nebraska!!!

Brian swears her first word will be "Husker"...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cause for Paws 5K

Brian and Jake ran their first 5K together on Saturday- and Jake didn't eat anyone! :-) They came in 3rd in Brian's age group- yay!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Some Pics- Week 3

Got some more Sophia pics: first bath after belly button fell off, tummy time, daddy-daughter time...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another Step Towards Adulthood

Well, we've made it one step closer to responsible adulthood: we have officially purchased our first fridge and washer & dryer (hopefully to be our last.) I say this because it took ALL DAY and several trips back and forth between stores to get the absolute BEST DEAL. We were exhausted by the end of the day!

Sophia was a real trooper- other than a couple of car-feedings, diaper changes in the back seat, and one disgusting spit-up episode in which she came out of with crusty hair, things went pretty well!

FYI, one thing we learned is that all those "price matching" between stores really doesn't ultimately make a difference. I think we ended up saving $93 after 7 hours of shopping. But hey, at least we know we did all we could to get the best deal!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our Trip to Target

First, a couple of updates: Sophia has lost her belly button- we're not exactly sure where it went, it was just gone. If it hit the floor, we suspect one of the dogs got it- yuck!

I (Andi) gave her her first bath- she pooped in it. Got her all washed off and then she pooped all over the towel. She is a pooping machine!

Okay, so about our trip to Target: I decided that I needed to go to Target to get a nursing bra. I also had some other places to go, so I brought along the Moby Wrap to put Sophia in after I tried on some things.

I carried Sophia in the store, picked out some bras, and went to the fitting rooms. I laid her on a blanket on the bench and she began to get fussy. (For some reason, she is loving being on her tummy and doesn't like being on her back very much.) As I tried on my selections, she began to really wind up on the wails.

I then thought, maybe I'll feed her a little and she's go back into her "milk coma" so I can get a little more shopping done. So there I am, sitting the handicap fitting room, without a shirt on, nursing my little girl. And, of course, she decides it's not going to be a short feeding. Oh no, she was going to take her sweet ole' time. (I am not starving my child, by the way. I swear, she snarfed down lunch right before we even left for the store. I can't believe she even had any room left in her!)

By this time, I'm sure the fitting room attendant is wondering what's going on. We'd been in there for at least 20 minutes, the first 5-ish were filled with Sophia's drama-queen cries.

Okay, so she finally goes unconscious and I'm anxious to get out of the fitting room. So I put her to my chest to burp her and what does she do: she spits up all over me. Now, I don't have my shirt on yet, so her puke is running down my chest and has made it to my belly. I'm scrambling to get it cleaned up before it rolls down to my skirt. All the while, I'm cursing the giant mirror that I can't stop looking at as this embarassing scene unfolds before me.

And that's our Target story. Taking a baby out in public has turned out to be more involved than I thought. I guess I didn't really have any expectations, but definitely did not think it would take so much time and effort. I am thankful for two things, however. I'm thankful that I wasn't wearing a shirt, because the puke would've been all over me and we would've had to duck out of the store ASAP. I'm also thankful that the fitting room was empty, so nobody noticed that I was using the handicap space to feed Sophia her gourmet lunch!