Saturday, December 22, 2007

Flower Child

Haha! Look what Sophia got for Christmas- guess that makes her a Flower Child!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More pics!

Some November pics of Sophia- enjoy!

Good morning!

Time for my close-up!


Too bad she pooped in that outfit she was wearing!

I'm so cool I gotta wear shades

My legs are so warm!

There are Kits to the right of me...

...and Kits to my left...

Sophia & Santa

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sophia Rolls Over

Check out this video of Sophia rolling over...and just imagine "Eye of the Tiger" playing the background...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Pics!

Here's our little stinker!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sophia & Autumn

This is Autumn, Mike & Sharaze's baby. They came to visit and the girls had their first external-utero meeting! We had a lot of fun- and apparently Sophia likes the way Autumn tastes!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sophia Pics

Wow, Sophia is getting so big. Above are some pics of her and Daddy and her with Grandpa Johnson. Also, a pic of Brian mowing his first lawn!

At two months Sophia is 9lbs. some may think that's pretty small, but considering she got down to 5lbs. 10oz. after birth she's getting big! AND...she rolled over for the first time on Sunday! We made her do it 5 more times after that just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, but she hasn't done it again since so who knows.

A couple of things I've learned from experience in the past few weeks being a mommy:

1. When doing "tummy time" make sure to change her diaper first. If you don't, the poop shifts to the front and out the top of the diaper.

2. DO NOT play too rough after feeding her. If you raise her up over your head repeatedly she WILL most certainly puke in your hair...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We're back!

Well, it's been a whirlwind few weeks: had a baby, bought a house, moved into that house (with lots of help from Brian's dad), and unpacking- still. Then, when I (Andi) was ready to start working out and getting in shape, my back seized up and wasn't able to walk...or even hold Sophia. So Brian's mom made it in to help me and she got to spend some time with her little granddaughter.

So...I'm back at the studio and the gym; Brian's back to running. Life is starting to settle into a routine- finally! We also have our first "booked" visitors to Hotel Johnson- Mike, Sharaze, and Autumn Colley are coming to visit- yay!

We're also getting ready for the holidays: Sophia's first Halloween, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas. Our neighborhood is full of kids: 13 on our block alone all under the age of 9! Halloween's going to be pretty fun- TONS of trick-or-treaters so we'll be stocking up on candy to give out. It'll be quite an experience with Jake barking at the door all night!

For Thanksgiving we'll be spending the holiday with Brian's sis & boyfriend, and hopefully his parents here in Colorado. We're planning on attending the Nebraska/Colorado game and maybe do some snowboarding. Then Christmas in Michigan with my fam.

Well, that's about it for now, I'm working on getting some pics up once I get a little organized so stay posted!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Just an update on the latest studio drama: We've been burglarized! Yes, someone broke into the studio and stole about $850. This may not seem like a lot of money to most businesses, but to a yoga studio it's really a lot. (Nobody actually goes into teaching yoga to become a millionaire.)

So we've "Fort Knox-ed" the studio much to my dismay when I saw how much it was going to cost on top of what we've already lost- Bummer. All I can say is that I am a new nursing mom who hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in about 4 weeks- if I ever find out who did this they will be really sorry!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Go Nebraska!!!

Brian swears her first word will be "Husker"...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Cause for Paws 5K

Brian and Jake ran their first 5K together on Saturday- and Jake didn't eat anyone! :-) They came in 3rd in Brian's age group- yay!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Some Pics- Week 3

Got some more Sophia pics: first bath after belly button fell off, tummy time, daddy-daughter time...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another Step Towards Adulthood

Well, we've made it one step closer to responsible adulthood: we have officially purchased our first fridge and washer & dryer (hopefully to be our last.) I say this because it took ALL DAY and several trips back and forth between stores to get the absolute BEST DEAL. We were exhausted by the end of the day!

Sophia was a real trooper- other than a couple of car-feedings, diaper changes in the back seat, and one disgusting spit-up episode in which she came out of with crusty hair, things went pretty well!

FYI, one thing we learned is that all those "price matching" between stores really doesn't ultimately make a difference. I think we ended up saving $93 after 7 hours of shopping. But hey, at least we know we did all we could to get the best deal!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our Trip to Target

First, a couple of updates: Sophia has lost her belly button- we're not exactly sure where it went, it was just gone. If it hit the floor, we suspect one of the dogs got it- yuck!

I (Andi) gave her her first bath- she pooped in it. Got her all washed off and then she pooped all over the towel. She is a pooping machine!

Okay, so about our trip to Target: I decided that I needed to go to Target to get a nursing bra. I also had some other places to go, so I brought along the Moby Wrap to put Sophia in after I tried on some things.

I carried Sophia in the store, picked out some bras, and went to the fitting rooms. I laid her on a blanket on the bench and she began to get fussy. (For some reason, she is loving being on her tummy and doesn't like being on her back very much.) As I tried on my selections, she began to really wind up on the wails.

I then thought, maybe I'll feed her a little and she's go back into her "milk coma" so I can get a little more shopping done. So there I am, sitting the handicap fitting room, without a shirt on, nursing my little girl. And, of course, she decides it's not going to be a short feeding. Oh no, she was going to take her sweet ole' time. (I am not starving my child, by the way. I swear, she snarfed down lunch right before we even left for the store. I can't believe she even had any room left in her!)

By this time, I'm sure the fitting room attendant is wondering what's going on. We'd been in there for at least 20 minutes, the first 5-ish were filled with Sophia's drama-queen cries.

Okay, so she finally goes unconscious and I'm anxious to get out of the fitting room. So I put her to my chest to burp her and what does she do: she spits up all over me. Now, I don't have my shirt on yet, so her puke is running down my chest and has made it to my belly. I'm scrambling to get it cleaned up before it rolls down to my skirt. All the while, I'm cursing the giant mirror that I can't stop looking at as this embarassing scene unfolds before me.

And that's our Target story. Taking a baby out in public has turned out to be more involved than I thought. I guess I didn't really have any expectations, but definitely did not think it would take so much time and effort. I am thankful for two things, however. I'm thankful that I wasn't wearing a shirt, because the puke would've been all over me and we would've had to duck out of the store ASAP. I'm also thankful that the fitting room was empty, so nobody noticed that I was using the handicap space to feed Sophia her gourmet lunch!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Grandma & Grandpa Westwood

Sophia's next visitors were Grandma & Grandpa Westwood where she experienced some firsts: First Bath & First Shopping Trip! CLICK HERE for pics...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grandma Johnson Pics

Annette, Brian's mom, was here to help us out during our first week- what a relief! She was fabulous. We were sad to see her go! So CLICK HERE for some pics she took...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Baby Pics- Week 1

Got some pics from week 1- it was pretty challenging but we made it through! Brian's being named "The Baby Whisperer" because of his calming effect on little Sophia. His diaper-changing skills are getting better every day! Check out some pics: Click Here.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pics of Sophia!

Finally found a moment to get Sophia pics up- enjoy!

Click here

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome Baby Sophia!

Okay, I know it's driving everyone are a couple of pics of our Sophia Lee Johnson! We'll have TONS more pics later today when our slideshow website is back up. Stats: born at 2:23pm, 6 lbs 5 oz., 19 inches. She's a blondie with long legs and a sweet little round head...we are IN LOVE!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Baby's Coming!!!

Well, we got the news- Sophia's about as developed as she's going to be at 39 weeks! (We're currently at 37 1/2 weeks.) Doc suggested a c-section ASAP to take the stress from worrying about the low fluid and continuing kidney pain. Since Sophia's ready I guess we are too!

So...we go in tomorrow, Tuesday August 14th, at noon and the c-section is scheduled for 2:00pm. Yay! We're really excited and a little freaked out. Well, I'm more freaked out than Brian is- I just don't know how he's keeping it all together!

A few of you have asked about the hospital. We'll be at Exempla Good Samaritan in Lafayette, CO probably until at least Friday. Then we're on our own- Yikes!!!

No Flip!!!

Well, little Sophia did not want to flip today- ugh! She got about half-way around and instead of continuing her flip, she popped right back where she came- stubborn little thing, wonder where she got that from...

So we did an amniocentisis today. Turns out the amniotic fluid is low and a little bit of a concern. This is going to prevent her from being able to turn on her own. So it looks like a c-section is pretty much imminent. Soooo.....if the doc says Sophia's lungs are developed (we'll know this afternoon from the results of the amnio) then she's offering to get her out as soon as tomorrow- wow, TOMORROW!!! If not, then we'll schedule the section for 39 weeks and go back to "Waiting Mode."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We Have Toilets!

Haha, so we went to the house today and yes, WE HAVE TOILETS! We also have sinks, faucets, and a beautiful front porch. Still a lot more to do, but we're on our way!

We've almost survived "Baby Weekend" as we get ready for the (remote) possibility that Sophia could grace us with her presence tomorrow during the external version. You never know!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Big Shocker!

Well, we've made it to 37 weeks- only 3 more to go! I went to the doc today hoping I'd be even a little dilated, and boy was I knocked for a loop: Sophia's BREECH! We all thought she had flipped but it turns out her butt is really her head! What a bummer.

I'm so far along that she probably won't be able to flip by herself because she's running out of room to move. So the doc recommended an External Cephalic Version that will help her turn. We're going in on Monday morning 6am. I'll get an epidural and they docs will try to physically manipulate her into turning. There's a 50/50 chance she'll move, but if we don't try how would we know, right?

So there could be several outcomes: 1. She flips and I can wait for a normal labor or 2. She doesn't flip and we schedule a c-section at 39 weeks which would be around August 24th. There's also the 3rd outcome but it's VERY remote: something happens during the aversion that puts too much stress on her and they have to do a c-section then and there- let's just pray this doesn't happen.

Sorry this post is kind of depressing...just want to keep you updated. Overall, we're doing pretty good (minus the kidney stone stuff) so we're planning on "Baby Weekend" here to get the house ready just in case...kind of exciting!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sabrina's Visit & More House

Sabrina, my (Andi's) oldest friend (not in age) came to visit this week from Galveston, TX. We had fun checking out the new house, watching movies, swimming, checking out Boulder, and eating: pretty much what a giant pregnant girl has to choose from as far as entertainment.

I had a kidney stone "attack" on Wednesday night- it's a good thing Sabrina's a nurse. She took care of me even though we had the worst thermometer in the WORLD. (Note to self: find a thermometer that doesn't start at 1 degree- waiting for it to get to 98.6F is excrutiatingly looonnnggg.) It would've been cool if Sophia graced us with her presence while Sabrina was here, but no luck. The kidney stone throbbing has now started to coincide with the contractions, which has made life so interesting- Sabrina, come back!

Click here for pics!

Inside House Update

Check out some pics from the inside of the house- Click Here!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stay Puft!

Hi All! Just wanted to post an update- I don't have pics to post but will soon since I'm GI-NORMOUS right now. The kidney stones are bothering me off and on but off so far today so that's good. As of last Friday (36 weeks- 4 more to go) I wasn't dilated but on my way. Feeling lots of low pressure so hopefully that means Sophia is dropping and headed in the right direction. Right now I'm battling swelling, and it's my own fault so don't feel sorry for me. I was sooooo sure I wasn't going to swell because there was no sign even up through the 8th month. Well, I spoke too soon. Now, thank goodness, I still have ankles but I'm feeling a lot like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, sausage toes and all...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Pic From Week 30

Had some requests for current prego pics. I'll get more recent ones, but here's one from week 30- we've made it to week 36 as of TODAY- yay!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dever Pics & Medical Update

Brian's parents are in town this weekend (we'll have more pics later) and we spent some time in Denver today. Brian mustered up the courage to challenge someone to chess at the 16th Street Mall outdoor tables- and won! His first match was a draw but beat the guy pretty quickly in the second!

Andi/Sophia Update: There are still two medium kidney stones and several other pieces in my right kidney, but the good news is that if I can pass a 1 centimeter stone, I won't have a problem passing these- although it will still be painful. If I was earlier in the pregnancy they would be talking about draining tubes & stents, which are pretty painful. But since I'm so far along (35 weeks) they want to see how the next few weeks go. If I have another excruciatingly painful attack anytime after 37 weeks, they're going to suggest I be induced. I would truly rather not be induced by drugs, but I'll do it if it means compromising Sophia or my health. So...technically (but not likely) Sophia could be here in a couple of weeks- yikes! We're starting to make plans for what happens if Brian's out of town and I'm starting to pack my bags. We're almost there!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

...and the Saga continues...

Well, apparently Big Bertha might not be the last of her kind. I woke up last night (or morning) at 3:30am to a seering pain in my left side. I thought it might be the way I was sleeping- I don't know why I thought that, considering all my kidney problems have started out this way. You'd think I'd learn to recognize the signs by now. Anyway, so getting up made it worse- I should have just laid there writhing in agony instead.

So by 3:45am the routine has started: I usually take Tylenol and a hot shower and wait to see how I feel, if I don't fall asleep pain-free in 30min-1hour then I take Tylenol w/ Codeine- fun! If I'm still coherent and miserable then the doc gets a call which has, in the past, resulted in a trip to the hospital. Luckily this time I fell asleep after the 1st round of Tylenol- worrying about how I was going to feed the dogs and teach yoga if I was in the hospital and Brian out of town. Before I fell into unconsciousness, however, I actually wondered if I went to the hospital if they would just do a c-section already and get Sophia out of there instead of making me endure +/- 6 more weeks of this torture. I mean, she'll be alright, right? Okay, no. Nevermind. Please ignore that insane moment of selfishness.

After sleeping a total of about 11 hours, which seems to be a necessity right now, I crawl out of bed in a bad mood and can't find anyone to be angry with. Have you ever tried to be cranky with your poor dogs when they haven't done anything wrong? Doesn't last long- they're too cute and they don't argue back enough to feed your bad mood. My back still hurts a little at this point but not enough to take anything for it yet. See, I like to torture myself and wait until I just can't handle the pain anymore.

So I start looking around the internet about kidney stones during pregnancy. First site I visit is a forum with lots of pregos w/ the same problem. Only thing is, their stories are so horrible I actually break down and start crying- mostly for them, but also in "poor me" mode. Yes, I am 8 mos. prego, just gave birth to a kidney stone big enough to be a large piece of gravel, and I am sitting in my husband's boxers (b/c that's all that fits me), crying like a 3-year-old because Tracy in 2005 had a horrible pregnancy because of the stents her doctor put in. Pathetic.

What am I going to do? Why can't I just be pregnant? You know, waddling and swollen but knowing that a wonderful baby is on the way? Should I just give in and start a registry at Kidney Stones R Us, give them names, and plan on raising them along with our children? At this point, they and this pain has become so much a part of me I'm not sure what a true pregnancy should feel like. Doesn't look good for future pregnancies- but since I LIKE torture, there will probably be more anyway. (Not to leave Brian out: apparently he likes to be tortured too. With all the bitching and moaning and hospital trips he's had to endure, you'd think he'd be apprehensive about have more kids. Oh no, he still wants to know when we can get pregnant again.)

Okay, so anyway, I'm going to a urologist on Friday. When I was in the hospital last week, he was in favor of suggesting a stent to open the ureturs- we'll see if he still thinks so. My biggest fear is that I'll go in and he'll tell me I just have to deal with the pain a little longer, or even worse that he can't find a reason why I should still be in agony. On the other hand, a stent seems like a lot of trouble to go to when I'm so close to the due date. Ugh!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm Home!!!

I'm home!!!

Well, after almost 4 days on a morphine high, I have FINALLY gotten rid of the kidney stone that's been haunting me for months. The stone is officially known as "Big Bertha" around the Mom/Baby floor at the hospital. Brian and I are the proud parents of a stone about the size of a penny...yes, that's what a said, a penny.

So I'm home now and since they pumped so many fluids in me I'm feeling a little like Violet from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Feeling much better though- thanks to all those who kept me (and Big Bertha) in their prayers!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

They're Baaaaack....

Well, here I am. In the hospital. Again.

The kidney stones, whom I've named Martha & Larry, are back and having a good 'ole time dancing all over my kidneys and everywhere else they want to go. This time the visit's been longer, so far 3 going on 4 days. Just when I'm feeling better and I think I might get to go home, they turn up the volume and I'm out of commission again.

The good side is: morphine is fun- yay! That happens to be the only thing that's been helping. Not sure what the docs are going to do from here. There are certain procedures they can't do b/c I'm prego. So far, the goal has been to manage the pain, which there has been A LOT of.

So here I am, just sitting here smelling the flowers from my sweet in-laws, listening to the baby monitor as it tracks Sophia's heart rate. The beats are actually making me drowsy, okay, with lots of help from the morphine, so I'm off to bed. I sure could use some prayers if anyone has a couple of seconds.

Brian and I decided that "3 times is a charm" and next time we're here at the hospital we're walking out with a baby! ;-P

Sunday, July 15, 2007

House & Baby Update

So we've reached 33 weeks- not too much longer to go! My (Andi) main objective for the rest of the summer is to stay cool and comfortable and not to drive Brian crazy with my whining about being huge & uncomfortable. Brian attended his "Daddy Bootcamp" this weekend. We were both impressed with how much he learned...hmm...maybe I need "Mommy Bootcamp." He also got to hold some babies and he seemed to like that. Now to teach him how to change diapers...

Click here to check out some pics of the house, dogs, and prego Andi...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kristin & Jim Visit

Brian's sis and her b-friend came to visit us for the 4th of July. If it were up the boys we would've stayed at home playing Risk and Stratego, but Kristin and I got our way most of the time. They both came with us up to Como to see the fireworks on Wed. We checked out the progress of our house, went swimming, and hung out on Pearl Street in Boulder on Thursday. On Friday we walked around downtown Denver and THEN the boys got their wish. Friday night was "pizza & boardgame night" at the Johnson house!

The dogs just LOVED Jim & Kristin- especially after they came home with treats. We all had such a good time!!!


Does anyone know (moms & nurses specifically) if you can have Braxton-Hicks contractions in your back at 32 weeks? Everything I've read about back labor is for those actually going into labor and I'm not. But I'm experiencing some horrific cramps & aches in my back and sides. I think it might be mixed with some kidney stuff too though. Any thoughts?

Monday, July 9, 2007

4th of July

Went with our community group to Como, CO to see fireworks for the 4th! We stopped at Coney Island for dinner- they had the best shakes- and not just because I'm prego, they really were good. :-)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Mommy Cam

Hi All! Well, getting big, hot, and uncomfortable...the countdown is on! Mommy Cam: thought you'd all like to see what I see...ugh... Yesterday the belly was lopsided because she seems to like to hang out on the right side a lot. Pretty entertaining!

Anyway, I had a thought: what if I have to give birth and pass kidney stones at the same time? Has anyone ever heard of that? That would not be fun- I think I'd take the drugs...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Grandparents' Visit & House Update

So my (Andi's) parents visited this weekend- we now have both the "Johnson & Westwood Parent Approval" on our house! :-) I'm about 8 months now- not much longer! (Better prego pics will be coming.) Grandma & Grandpa Westwood brought a TON of baby stuff and we're quickly running out of room- good thing we're moving soon!

The house is progressing: we have a garage door now. They also started insulating and looks like drywalling will be their next step. Looks like we're down to the wire to get our down payment together! Also making moving plans. As of right now, Sophia is due Aug 31st. We'll sign on the house in mid-Sept, then Brian has to travel the week of Sept 17th. He'll come back and we'll move! This all depends on whether we can get someone to take over our rent Oct 1st. So we'll see!

Oh, kidney stone update: Doc on Friday said yes, I am (or was) passing stones. Seems like I may be out of the worst of it- knock on wood!