Thursday, August 30, 2007

Grandma & Grandpa Westwood

Sophia's next visitors were Grandma & Grandpa Westwood where she experienced some firsts: First Bath & First Shopping Trip! CLICK HERE for pics...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grandma Johnson Pics

Annette, Brian's mom, was here to help us out during our first week- what a relief! She was fabulous. We were sad to see her go! So CLICK HERE for some pics she took...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Baby Pics- Week 1

Got some pics from week 1- it was pretty challenging but we made it through! Brian's being named "The Baby Whisperer" because of his calming effect on little Sophia. His diaper-changing skills are getting better every day! Check out some pics: Click Here.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pics of Sophia!

Finally found a moment to get Sophia pics up- enjoy!

Click here

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Welcome Baby Sophia!

Okay, I know it's driving everyone are a couple of pics of our Sophia Lee Johnson! We'll have TONS more pics later today when our slideshow website is back up. Stats: born at 2:23pm, 6 lbs 5 oz., 19 inches. She's a blondie with long legs and a sweet little round head...we are IN LOVE!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Baby's Coming!!!

Well, we got the news- Sophia's about as developed as she's going to be at 39 weeks! (We're currently at 37 1/2 weeks.) Doc suggested a c-section ASAP to take the stress from worrying about the low fluid and continuing kidney pain. Since Sophia's ready I guess we are too!

So...we go in tomorrow, Tuesday August 14th, at noon and the c-section is scheduled for 2:00pm. Yay! We're really excited and a little freaked out. Well, I'm more freaked out than Brian is- I just don't know how he's keeping it all together!

A few of you have asked about the hospital. We'll be at Exempla Good Samaritan in Lafayette, CO probably until at least Friday. Then we're on our own- Yikes!!!

No Flip!!!

Well, little Sophia did not want to flip today- ugh! She got about half-way around and instead of continuing her flip, she popped right back where she came- stubborn little thing, wonder where she got that from...

So we did an amniocentisis today. Turns out the amniotic fluid is low and a little bit of a concern. This is going to prevent her from being able to turn on her own. So it looks like a c-section is pretty much imminent. Soooo.....if the doc says Sophia's lungs are developed (we'll know this afternoon from the results of the amnio) then she's offering to get her out as soon as tomorrow- wow, TOMORROW!!! If not, then we'll schedule the section for 39 weeks and go back to "Waiting Mode."

Sunday, August 12, 2007

We Have Toilets!

Haha, so we went to the house today and yes, WE HAVE TOILETS! We also have sinks, faucets, and a beautiful front porch. Still a lot more to do, but we're on our way!

We've almost survived "Baby Weekend" as we get ready for the (remote) possibility that Sophia could grace us with her presence tomorrow during the external version. You never know!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Big Shocker!

Well, we've made it to 37 weeks- only 3 more to go! I went to the doc today hoping I'd be even a little dilated, and boy was I knocked for a loop: Sophia's BREECH! We all thought she had flipped but it turns out her butt is really her head! What a bummer.

I'm so far along that she probably won't be able to flip by herself because she's running out of room to move. So the doc recommended an External Cephalic Version that will help her turn. We're going in on Monday morning 6am. I'll get an epidural and they docs will try to physically manipulate her into turning. There's a 50/50 chance she'll move, but if we don't try how would we know, right?

So there could be several outcomes: 1. She flips and I can wait for a normal labor or 2. She doesn't flip and we schedule a c-section at 39 weeks which would be around August 24th. There's also the 3rd outcome but it's VERY remote: something happens during the aversion that puts too much stress on her and they have to do a c-section then and there- let's just pray this doesn't happen.

Sorry this post is kind of depressing...just want to keep you updated. Overall, we're doing pretty good (minus the kidney stone stuff) so we're planning on "Baby Weekend" here to get the house ready just in case...kind of exciting!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sabrina's Visit & More House

Sabrina, my (Andi's) oldest friend (not in age) came to visit this week from Galveston, TX. We had fun checking out the new house, watching movies, swimming, checking out Boulder, and eating: pretty much what a giant pregnant girl has to choose from as far as entertainment.

I had a kidney stone "attack" on Wednesday night- it's a good thing Sabrina's a nurse. She took care of me even though we had the worst thermometer in the WORLD. (Note to self: find a thermometer that doesn't start at 1 degree- waiting for it to get to 98.6F is excrutiatingly looonnnggg.) It would've been cool if Sophia graced us with her presence while Sabrina was here, but no luck. The kidney stone throbbing has now started to coincide with the contractions, which has made life so interesting- Sabrina, come back!

Click here for pics!

Inside House Update

Check out some pics from the inside of the house- Click Here!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stay Puft!

Hi All! Just wanted to post an update- I don't have pics to post but will soon since I'm GI-NORMOUS right now. The kidney stones are bothering me off and on but off so far today so that's good. As of last Friday (36 weeks- 4 more to go) I wasn't dilated but on my way. Feeling lots of low pressure so hopefully that means Sophia is dropping and headed in the right direction. Right now I'm battling swelling, and it's my own fault so don't feel sorry for me. I was sooooo sure I wasn't going to swell because there was no sign even up through the 8th month. Well, I spoke too soon. Now, thank goodness, I still have ankles but I'm feeling a lot like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, sausage toes and all...

Friday, August 3, 2007

Pic From Week 30

Had some requests for current prego pics. I'll get more recent ones, but here's one from week 30- we've made it to week 36 as of TODAY- yay!!!