Friday, June 29, 2007

Kidney stone update

Well, doc got a call. I went ahead and took the drugs & a hot shower. I'm feeling better this morning but I'm a little nervous that this will happen again. Not much I can do about it, though, except to let it pass. Next dr appointment is Tuesday so maybe they'll be able to give me some more info. The doc didn't seem too concerned about an infection, but said to go into the office today if the pain persists. None this morning so far...knock on wood...

Kidney stones?

Well, it's 3:00 in the morning and I woke up with a searing pain in the right side of my lower back. Please, please, please don't let it be kidney stones again. I'm tolerating the pain right now and trying to see where this is going to go. Brian's out of town so he won't be able to drive me anywhere if I need it so I don't want to take any pain medication. I REALLY don't want to go to the emergency room, but I'm afraid of infection- can cause preterm labor. Sorry doc, I think you're going to get an early morning phone call...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Parenting Book

So I've expanded my reading skills from fiction novels to parenting books. Yes, parenting books. I know, I know, but I figure it's time to start growing up and being a responsible adult since we're about to bring a new life completely dependent on us into this world. The eventual goal (besides enjoying blissful years of parenting with perfect children) is to NOT have anyone over the college age still living in our house when we're ready to retire and enjoy our kid-free lives.

So the book I'm reading is "Parenting with Love & Logic." It's incredible. First, because it's not a boring "how to" book that makes me want to poke my eyeballs out. Second, and most importantly, is because it makes total sense! It's all about teaching the child to make decisions at an early age (like starting at 9 mos) so they can learn how to use their thought processes when it becomes time to make the big important decisions (like studying for school, saving money, drugs, sex, etc.) Then they learn to become more independent at an earlier age. It also teaches the parent not to take on so much and make the child responsible for their own actions & choices.

Anyway, here's a couple of articles explaining the method:
Article 1
Article 2

If any of you have info or thoughts on this, please, by all means share. There are so many books and methods out there and to be honest I really haven't done a lot of research on other ways to parent but this seems to be what we relate to as potential parents. And I haven't done a lot of research on the book & method reviews are a whole different reading genre that I'm just not ready for!!! ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Body Hurts.

My body hurts. Everything. Well, my earlobes don't hurt...that's a positive, huh? My body just hurts. There are many pregnancy-related issues I haven't had to deal with: indigestion, hemorrhoids, etc...but my body hurts so I suppose that's the trade-off. The chiropractor helped a little but I'd really do better if I was just knocked out or drugged or something just get a good night's sleep. Brian has really been earning his husband & father kudos just by listening to my meltdowns. Next time, I think he should have the baby...

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Let's see...


Birthing Classes--CHECK!

Well, we finished our classes today and they went really well! We feel like we understand more and we've pretty much figured out our birthing plan. I've changed my mind on wanting an epidural the second I walk in the hospital. I've decided I'm actually going to try to tough it out as long as I can without medication. I doubt I'll be able to make it all the way through, but anything to make our experience more natural without pumping my body or Sophia's body full of chemicals is what we're looking for. We'll see how that goes! ;-)

Couple more house pics we took today: Andi's tub (apparently it hasn't quite made it out of the garage yet), and the view from an upstairs bedroom...

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prego Update

Here we are- 28 weeks! Only 12 weeks until the due date!!!

Monday, June 4, 2007

House Update

Got some pics of the house today- we have siding!!! We have officially entered the 3rd trimester- Andi's tired, fat, and sore...but still happy. We went to our first Baby Class yesterday and learned so much! Brian seems to be more confident about the whole birthing process, but Andi's ready to give up and just get more dogs...hmmm...