Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Another Step Towards Adulthood

Well, we've made it one step closer to responsible adulthood: we have officially purchased our first fridge and washer & dryer (hopefully to be our last.) I say this because it took ALL DAY and several trips back and forth between stores to get the absolute BEST DEAL. We were exhausted by the end of the day!

Sophia was a real trooper- other than a couple of car-feedings, diaper changes in the back seat, and one disgusting spit-up episode in which she came out of with crusty hair, things went pretty well!

FYI, one thing we learned is that all those "price matching" between stores really doesn't ultimately make a difference. I think we ended up saving $93 after 7 hours of shopping. But hey, at least we know we did all we could to get the best deal!

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