Saturday, March 31, 2007

Codeine is GOOD!

So this kidney thing is just not going to go away- woke up at 4:30 this morning w/ more pain. Doc gave me two choices: ER or call in some Tylenol w/, this codeine is great! Brian insists that I don't look any TALLER but I swear I just grew another foot!!! Whoo-hoo!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

NOT Round Ligament Pain

So there I was thinking about how miserable and painful being pregnant is and how I never was going to do this again- I decided I just wasn't a good pregnant person. That round ligament pain was kicking my butt, and it was all the way in my back. Then, it started to travel up the right side and I got so frustrated it brought me to tears. I just couldn't imagine that this could be so painful!

So...I called my doc and it turned out NOT to be the round ligaments stretching but KIDNEY problems!!! Turns out I had an infection, some tiny stones, and possible blockage! Needless to say, the doc admitted me to the hospital right away b/c infections like that can cause premature labor. They drowned me in IV liquids & antibiotics for 24 hours and let me go home!

So there's our latest drama. Brian was incredible and hopped on the first flight back from CA last night and took care of me even when I told him it wasn't necessary. He was so awesome! I really got a good glimpse of how great he's going to be in 5 months. And I got to see how great the hospital will be too- room service and all!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Round Ligament Pain

Okay, I want to know why nobody told me about the ROUND LIGAMENT PAIN? Did nobody experience this? So far, this is the worst part of this pregnancy- it'll lay me out for a whole day!!! (And poor Brian, he's got to hear me whine...) Shame on any of you who knew about it and didn't tell me! Okay, just kidding, but this is really killing me!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

16-week visit

Had our 16-week dr. visit today and blood tests. Got to hear the baby's heartbeat- 150's! Mommy's blood pressure was great: 100/60. Everything seems to be moving along just fine. Dr reassured me that there is only one baby in there, and no, it's not a giant.

So April 17th is the day we get to find out the sex! Sorry, Susie, it's not earlier, and yes, there's still a 50/50 chance it could NOT be a girl! :-) I, Andi, wanted a boy at first but now I'm thinking a girl might be good too because we picked out the greatest name. Brian just wants a baby. We'll be happy with whatever!

All I know is that I definitely don't want to be too gender specific on the room- no pink flowers for girls and blue trucks for boys. (I'm just not the ruffle type.) Anyway, I picked out some bedding: chocolate brown, tan, & aqua. It's really pretty and we can use it for whatever gender. I was thinking we could add teddy bears & puppies. Brian just wants a baby.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Baby Store & Prego Pics

Brian went on his first visit to the baby store this weekend! Wow, sensory overload for both of us. So...many of you have been asking for prego they are- click here!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Check out Pics!

Went to the Design Center today and also got some pics of our lot & neighborhood. Click here to check them out...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Mike & Sharaze Visit

Our awsome friends from Memphis came to visit last week- Mike & Sharaze Colley. We're working on getting them to move out here to the beautiful mountains. Sharaze is prenant too and it's nice to have a girlfriend to share this with. This is a pic of Andi at 14 weeks and Sharaze at 27 weeks...

Our First House!

Well, it's official: as of Sunday, February 28th we signed a contract to start building a house! We are so excited...and a lot poorer than we were the day before. But it's all good- we've got some great stuff happening to us.

Anyway, to check out our floorplan click on HOUSE
...and click on the Nieuport. Notice there's a guestroom with its own bathroom and walk-in closet so after we're settled, we'll be taking reservations at Hotel Johnson!

Our Little Peanut

Well, here's our Little Peanut's first picture at 8 weeks- still gotta long way to go!