Monday, December 15, 2008

Couple of Pics

It's been just crazy around here. I'm feeling horribly huge and uncomfortable and can't imagine this pregnancy lasting any longer, but somehow the days have been going by. Sophia and I have colds right now so both of us are crabby and I bet Brian wishes he was traveling for work right now. He's been really patient with the both of us though.

Brian and I went to his work xmas party. We get to dress up and go out in downtown Denver- made me feel somewhat normal and it actually took my mind off of feeling sorry for myself!

We got dumped on with snow over the weekend and it's cold and beautiful. We're enjoying the "Christmas" weather and it looks like there's more to come. I just love the fact that it can be 1 degree outside and snowy, but the sun is shining and there's no need to wear anything more than a light coat. (Well, that's is the wind isn't blowing.)

Brian's fam is coming in town this week to celebrate xmas early so we're really looking forward to that. We always have such a good time with them and I'm sure they're excited to see Sophia and her antics. This will actually be her first xmas with Santa & stockings and all that b/c she was so young last year.

Anyway, here are a couple of pics:

Brian and I before his work xmas party. It was nice to feel "normal"- I even wore my shiny red high-heeled shoes! (Although I paid for it with swollen feet the next day...but hey, fashion before comfort!)

And here's a pic of "rough Sophia"...Brian had just gotten her up from a nap- looks like it was a good one...