Monday, August 13, 2007

No Flip!!!

Well, little Sophia did not want to flip today- ugh! She got about half-way around and instead of continuing her flip, she popped right back where she came- stubborn little thing, wonder where she got that from...

So we did an amniocentisis today. Turns out the amniotic fluid is low and a little bit of a concern. This is going to prevent her from being able to turn on her own. So it looks like a c-section is pretty much imminent. Soooo.....if the doc says Sophia's lungs are developed (we'll know this afternoon from the results of the amnio) then she's offering to get her out as soon as tomorrow- wow, TOMORROW!!! If not, then we'll schedule the section for 39 weeks and go back to "Waiting Mode."

1 comment:

Sharaze Colley said...

Aw, man! How was the actual process? Not too bad?

If you do wait til 39 week--water, water, water, and more water! Who knows, it might float her around :P