Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stay Puft!

Hi All! Just wanted to post an update- I don't have pics to post but will soon since I'm GI-NORMOUS right now. The kidney stones are bothering me off and on but off so far today so that's good. As of last Friday (36 weeks- 4 more to go) I wasn't dilated but on my way. Feeling lots of low pressure so hopefully that means Sophia is dropping and headed in the right direction. Right now I'm battling swelling, and it's my own fault so don't feel sorry for me. I was sooooo sure I wasn't going to swell because there was no sign even up through the 8th month. Well, I spoke too soon. Now, thank goodness, I still have ankles but I'm feeling a lot like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, sausage toes and all...

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