Monday, July 2, 2007

Grandparents' Visit & House Update

So my (Andi's) parents visited this weekend- we now have both the "Johnson & Westwood Parent Approval" on our house! :-) I'm about 8 months now- not much longer! (Better prego pics will be coming.) Grandma & Grandpa Westwood brought a TON of baby stuff and we're quickly running out of room- good thing we're moving soon!

The house is progressing: we have a garage door now. They also started insulating and looks like drywalling will be their next step. Looks like we're down to the wire to get our down payment together! Also making moving plans. As of right now, Sophia is due Aug 31st. We'll sign on the house in mid-Sept, then Brian has to travel the week of Sept 17th. He'll come back and we'll move! This all depends on whether we can get someone to take over our rent Oct 1st. So we'll see!

Oh, kidney stone update: Doc on Friday said yes, I am (or was) passing stones. Seems like I may be out of the worst of it- knock on wood!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I can see how you look like both of your parents! How cool!