Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kristin & Jim Visit

Brian's sis and her b-friend came to visit us for the 4th of July. If it were up the boys we would've stayed at home playing Risk and Stratego, but Kristin and I got our way most of the time. They both came with us up to Como to see the fireworks on Wed. We checked out the progress of our house, went swimming, and hung out on Pearl Street in Boulder on Thursday. On Friday we walked around downtown Denver and THEN the boys got their wish. Friday night was "pizza & boardgame night" at the Johnson house!

The dogs just LOVED Jim & Kristin- especially after they came home with treats. We all had such a good time!!!


Mike said...

Shouldn't Jake's mouth be wrapped around Jim's leg or arm or neck or something like that?!

What'd you do, give him Benedryl?

Unknown said...

No, believe it or not, Jake was REALLY good!!! He's been very nice with guests!